
알림마당 공지사항


외국 기업 통역 구인 요청의 건2023-04-02
작성자 : admin조회수 : 2067


회원분들을 위해 협회는 중립적으로 하기 정보를 공유드립니다.


Dear Sirs from the Korean Association of Translators and Interpreters,

Good morning, it is a pleasure to greet you. This is Lucia Toledo, International Sales Executive of INKA SUPERFOODS PERU. 

Our company is currently looking for a translator/interpreter proficient in Korean, Spanish and English languages, based in South Korea, as we intend on making a visit in the upcoming months. 

We would like to get contact information of your members please in order to reach out to them. 

I look forward to hearing back from you. 

Thank you so much.

Kind regards,


Lucia Toledo

International Sales Executive

Inka Superfoods Peru  


2023년 5월 20일 건강 관리 세션 공지 2023-04-28
GLOBO 구인 협조 2023-04-02